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Methodological Seminar

Methodological Seminar

Sergey Yuryevich Ivanov, the Assistant Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Its Teaching Methods (SPbU), took part in the seminar. He delivered a speech on "Teaching a Verbal Aspect in the Past Tense within the Basic Course of Russian as a Foreign Language".

The Associate Professor of the Department O.V. Anciferova noted the richness of the report and the author's own developments. Professor L.V. Moskovkin emphasized the importance of the explanation of the term "verbal aspect" to a foreign audience and made a proposal to publish the material for further use as a teaching handbook.

O.I. Popova, the Director of the Center of Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian of a Foreign Language of SPbU, offered to expand the circle of the seminar participants. The topic discussed at the meetings may be of interest not only to the professors of SPbU, but also to the trainees of the Post-Diploma Training Program, who are the future teachers of Russian as a Foreign language.